Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mother Nature... are you serious?!

Really I can't believe it.

I'm completely dumbfounded.

I don't live in any mountain range or area where you would ever think this could possibly happen. I tried to remember if I had ever seen anything like this before. But since my memory is terrible, I really couldn't come up with anything. But my brother, Ryan, who remembers every minute detail of our childhood assured me he couldn't remember a time that something like this had ever happened either. So there you go. I think Mother Nature went on strike and her replacement is having some troubles. Last weekend it was 83 degrees and this weekend we had snow. Could Mother Nature please come back and give me a normal northwest spring?


Becca said...

That's craziness! No snow here!

Julie said...

As I'm sitting here in the 80's in the Arizona desert I just can't imagine that it would be snowing anywhere! But come July I'll wish I was back in Oregon, even if it is snowing.

mahina said...

i know!! what is up with that??!!

Kat Rose said...

I am so jealous!!! Any snow is good snow. I would pay good money to see alittle of that out here in Georgia.
