Nate was SO EXCITED for school to start. I'm not sure I can stress how excited he was. I am loving this stage. The excitment and thrill of learning and being at school. Believe me, he wasn't the only one excited. I have to be honest, the last couple of weeks at home have been crazy. Nate is bored and done with summer activities, Jocy and him were constantly teasing each other, and I was ready to be able to run to the store without it being a huge production.
Even so, I had to control the emotions when I said goodbye to him at his desk and whispered,"Remember who you are." The part about letting him go, letting him experience things without me there to buffer, letting him be exposed to situations and things that scare the daylights out of me! He's such a good boy though- I shouldn't worry. We love you Nate- you make us so proud.
Sad, but happy at the same time for 1st grade--I totally understand. Though Andrew is anything but sad. He is thrilled each morning to go to school and see friends.
I forgot to say--love your new background!
I would worry too--espcially with such a cute boy and crazy girls out there! Have a great school year Nate!
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