Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Elayna Faith

On September 7th a beautiful baby girl joined our family- EARLY! We had a planned c-section scheduled for the next morning but our little baby just couldn't wait. At about 8 am on the 7th I felt a sensation like I was wetting my pants. It wasn't a significant amount of water though so I was a bit confused. I had heard from others that there is no way to confuse you water breaking. That there is alot of water. One person said they filled up a small pan when their's broke. Mine was NOTHING like this so I just shrugged it off. It happened again about fifteen minutes later so I called my doctors office and they told me to go to the ER just to be sure. When I got there the nurse confirmed that my water had broken and I proceeded to cry. I am sure I am the only 39 week pregnant woman crying because she did NOT want to be in labor. I had a million things to do that day and it was also the ONLY day that week that my doctor was not in the office and therefore wouldn't be able to perform the surgery. Even though this was my 3rd c-section it still makes me a little nervous to go under the knife. Not too mention the fact that I had been talking up for months now, how cool it was going to be to have my baby on 09-08-07. I'm sorry but 09-07-07 just doesn't seem as cool. :( Reed assured me that that was the least important reason to be upset.
Anyways, so ready or not, on the day I wanted it or not, with the doctor I wanted or not- this baby was coming. Unfortunately for me, the hospital only has 4 operating rooms and all 4 were be used at the time for emergency c-sections and surgeries. This meant I had to wait for a room to open up. Which wasn't necessarily a bad idea to me until my water broke completely. (Before it had just a small leak). I then spent the next hour having intense contractions at 2-3 minutes apart. I was not a happy lady. This was supposed to be the perk of c-sections: planned and no pain, at least leading up to the birth. Anyways, finally we were underway and in the operating room. About a half hour later they pulled our baby out and let Reed announce to me and everyone in the room that it was a girl! We were so surprised- Reed insisted it was a boy all throughout the pregnancy. She was beautiful and had so much hair! We could hardly believe it! It took awhile for us to come up with a name for her but we finally settled on Elayna Faith. She is such a sweet baby and we are so glad she finally joined our family.


whitney said...

hey megs! i'm glad you got a blog so i can keep up with you. congrats on baby elayna! she's so beautiful! i wish i could come and see her... :)

mahina said...

congratulations! she is beautiful! mitch never told me you guys were expecting again! welcome to the world of being outnumbered! it took me a few months to figure out how to do it all, but now i think i've got a handle on it! good luck!
