But just so this post is about something other than my lack of posting... here's our most recent news.

So yeah... sometime in May we will be expecting not one baby but two... we're delighted, excited, anxious, and terrified all at once. That's normal right?
We won't find out until after Christmas what the genders are but Nate is already pushing for two boys. I told him to just be grateful if we get one- like he originally prayed for. But he quickly amends his thoughts and says, "But I'll still love them even if their both girls." Phew.
Anyways, here's to hoping I post again before the twins are born. But don't hold your breath. :)
WHAT!!!???!! Oh my gosh!! Congrats you guys!! That is so exciting (and terrifying too, I'm sure!) Oh wow- if anyone can do it, it's you Megs. So happy for you. Can't wait to hear more details. Take care of yourself Mama!!
Wow, congratulations and GOOD LUCK!
Wow! Congrats! Twins~how fun...and busy! Are you trying to convince your mom to move back to OR? :) What lucky babies to come to your family. Congrats!!!!
Oh Meagn! Congratulation! I'm so happy for you. I always wanted twins when I was young but the reality of it hit when I was a mother and I think I would lose it. You must be an amazing mom to be able to handle two at once!!! Good luck and keep us posted on the gender!!!
oh my goodness!!!!!! how wonderful--what a blessing! such fun news, thanks for sharing :)
Congratulations!! What an adventure this will be for you. Can't wait to hear about the gender!
Oh my goodness!!!!! I am sooo excited for you guys!!!! That just made my day. That is so exciting! I can't believe it. I can't wait to hear all the details... like what you are having! I wish I was close to give you a big hug right now! I am so happy for you!
I heard this through the grapevine and wondered when you were going to announce it! What fun news! You will love it... what's better than 2 babies?!? :) Congrats to you all... it's fun to always have babies the same time as you! I hope all goes well and you feel great and enjoy the adventure getting them here. Can't wait to hear more! CONGRATS! Love, Ash
Wow! I'm so excited for you! Let me know if you need anything. I'd love to help out.
Holy cow!! I'm starting to think the Bells have super procreation powers!! That is CRAZY!! First Katie & Mike and now you all!! WOW!! Congrats. We're happy for you all.:)
Awesome! My sister had her twins (boy and girl) a couple of months ago. That is such exciting news for your family and I know you will do great. Can't wait to hear what they are :)
CONGRATS!!!!! I couldn't believe it when I saw your name on my sidebar as having posted--and what exciting news to post with. There must be something in those Bell family genes. Take care and hope all goes smoothly.
I'd say that is NEWS! That is AWESOME! We are so excited for you guys and if anyone can do it you two can. We are missing you guys like crazy. Tell your kids hi from Addi and TJ.
Congratulations and congratulations! What is it with you Bells and twins? I'm so excited for you! You'll do great with 5! How have you been feeling? Double-y sick???
Yeah! Congratulations!! We are so excited for you!
Congrats! If ever there was a mommy tough enough to get through, it's you.
It was my turn to volunteer in kindergarten the other day. Jocy was telling the kids at her table all about being a big sister to her new twins - cute! She said they were due in two days. :)
Congrats! That is so exciting.
Megan this is Marybeth, Katies friend. I just wanted to say Yay! And congratulations, That is seriously so exciting!
from Stacey N:
CONGRATS!! What an awesome family for twins to come to - you are all so fabulous! I have a twin sister, and it was awesome growing up with her. :) Oh, and let's just say that unlike last time when you and I had babies on the same day, I will *not* be having twins ANYtime soon! :)
Go Megan and Reed! Congrats and ya... 5 kids!
Megs--I NEVER check your blog (b/c you never update) and tonight I decided to just check it for fun. And boy am I glad you did! How crazy is that!?!? TWINS! Congratulations to you and your cute family. I cannot believe it! I want all the juicy details. Congratulations. You couldn't be more deserving! Oh, and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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